Ai-Kul lake

"Moon lake" Ai-Kul is located at an altitude of almost 3,000 meters. It is located on the territory of Sarkent National Nature Park in the mountains of the Turkestan Range, and it takes a long way to get there.

"Moon lake" Ai-Kol

According to legend, the lake got its name because of its curved shape, similar to a crescent moon. It is ice-covered from October to March, but the summer sun paints its water turquoise. The lake, the area of which is less than a square kilometer, is almost inapproachable, surrounded on all sides by sheer cliffs. You can admire it either from the height of the pass, or from the south side, where two small rivers flow into the lake.

Ai-Kul is located near the border with Tajikistan, and a special permit is needed to get here.


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