Karakol gorge

There are many peaks in this gorge, the height of which exceeds 4,000-5,000 meters above the sea level.

The well-known peaks are located in Karakol gorge: Przhevalsky Peak (4,283 meters), 40 Years of Kyrgyzstan Peak (4,300 meters), Karakol Peak (5,280 meters), Dzhigit Peak (5,130 meters) and others.

Karakol gorge

Slopes of the mountains of the Karakol gorge descend to Issyk-Kul Lake, ending with gentle ledges; there is a mountaineering camp in the upper reaches of the gorge.

Here you can see a cascade of waterfalls, and a moraine-glacial Ala-Kul lake, located at an altitude of 3,500 meters above sea level, as well as Karakol lake, located at the foot of On-Tor glacier.


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